Hokianga, New Zealand
How is it produced?
Beekeepers place hives near mānuka trees, where bees collect nectar from the flowers that blossom on the tree. Converting the nectar into honey within the hive, beekeepers extract the honey and send it to production sites, undergoing rigorous testing, the honey is separated into ratings based on the quality content of the MGO or UMF.
Describe the supply chain to the store shelf in Canada:
When shipping mānuka into Canada, the honey must be tracked through the entirety of the manufacturing process until the time of export. Upon receiving incoming honey, the final packages must be traceable back to the exact lot of imported New Zealand honey. Adhering to the certificates from the NZ MPI which are verified against the incoming orders of honey (Government of Canada, 2019, ). Batches will then be accepted into Canada and sent for distribution to stores around the country.
What is the power balance between the producer and seller?
With the product being extremely in demand, the producers hold the power. However, with recent discrepancies in labelling and legal battles surrounding what actually qualifies as Mānuka honey, there is a power struggle between authentic producers and illegal or fraudulent honey producers. However, in New Zealand after a lengthy legal proceeding, the NZ-EU FTA removed the 17.3% import tariff on mānuka honey, which amounts to roughly $40 million over the last 5 years (MPI, 2023).
Can you recommend changes to the system to improve the balance?
Continued support or improvements made to the trade agreements, ensures the protection of not only the Māoris heritage with the Mānuka tree and its properties. However, as global demand increases, the awareness that the product is solely from New Zealand is crucial to maintaining consumer confidence for the product being produced in New Zealand and not by fraudulent or illegal producers from other countries.
Government of Canada (2019, November 27). New Zealand – Export requirements for honey. inspection.canada.ca. https://inspection.canada.ca/en/exporting-food-plants-animals/food-exports/requirements/new-zealand-honey
Midlands. The History of Manuka Honey in New Zealand. (2021, October 6). Midlands. https://www.midlandsnz.com/the-history-of-manuka-honey-in-new-zealand
Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). (2023, June). New Zealand Honey Exports. Te Kāwanatanaga o Aotearoa, New Zealand Government. https://www.mpi.govt.nz/dmsdocument/42360-New-Zealand-honey-exports