


Michoacan, Mexico

How is it produced?

Avocados are grown on large farms in tropical and subtropical regions, primarily in Michoacán, Mexico. The trees require specific climate conditions, including sufficient sunlight and water. The fruits are harvested by hand when they reach maturity but are not yet ripe. After harvesting, avocados are transported through a cold chain to maintain their freshness.


Describe the supply chain to the store shelf in Canada:

After being harvested, avocados are transported from farms in Mexico to packing facilities, where they are sorted and prepared for shipping. From there, they are transported in refrigerated containers by sea or land to Canada. The avocados are distributed to grocery stores, where they continue to ripen before reaching consumers.


What is the power balance between the producer and seller?

The power in the avocado supply chain is often skewed in favor of large multinational corporations and retailers, who control pricing and demand. Small farmers in Mexico may struggle to compete with larger farms and face challenges in receiving fair prices for their crops.


Can you recommend changes to the system to improve the balance?

To improve the balance of power, stronger regulations should be implemented to protect small farmers, ensuring they receive fair compensation. Programs like Fairtrade should be expanded to give farmers a stable income and promote sustainable farming practices.

